PhD students
Bruno CABYTelecollaboration in mixed reality (with Orange) |
Thomas DROUETMixed reality for phygital synthesis mockup (with Renault) |
Valérian FAUREStudy of the validity of interaction in virtual environments: application to industrial mounting processes (with Cegelec and CEA Cadarache) |
Axel FOLTYNVirtual companion of maintenance |
Sébastien GERINOperational optimization of the performance of a connected building. Impact of digital twin and intelligent decision making techniques (with Vinci Facilities and ESTP) |
Romain GUILLAUMEDetecting intention in a virtual reality design environment (with Airbus) |
Guillaume KLEINAid for the maintenance in augmented reality (with Suez) |
Tingcheng LIDeep learning for 3D scans strategies quality estimation and exploitation in virtual and augmented reality (with LISPEN-Aix-en-Provence) |
Eloïse MINDEROptimization of social interaction in virtual reality |
Shamimi MOHD ZUKIFramework of Gamified Virtual Reality Stroke Rehabilitation to Enhance Motivation and Engagement (thèse en co-tutelle avec UTP - Malaysie) |
Nicolas VISBECQVisual cues through augmented reality to improve the peri-vehicle perception of the driver (with Volvo Trucks) |